wo routes - one destination: The school leaving certificates offered at the DHPS

Whether our learners choose the German International Abitur,
a bilingual German and English high school diploma,
or the Cambridge Certificate, the English high school diploma,
- our learners have the whole world to their feet.

Find out more about our high school diplomas.

German International Abitur (DIA)

By inspiring inquisitive, open-minded and independent thinkers with a sound, internationally oriented and comprehensive curriculum in languages, sciences, mathematics and the arts, the German International Abitur opens the doors to the best colleges and universities worldwide and unveils a wealth of opportunities for its graduates.

Find out more on the following pages.

Education “Made in Germany”

Unique features

The holistic approach of the DIA and the bilingual character of this German school-leaving certificate optimally prepare our learners for international studies or vocational training.
Here, too, the focus is on the individual support of each learner. The professional staff of the DHPS Diagnostic and Support Centre accompany the learners and assist and guide them in their individual support needs.
Our learners are support inside as well as outside the classroom with extracurricular activities.
Local and seconded teachers from Germany teach according to regularly reviewed quality frameworks.


A wide range of subjects in the natural sciences, languages, mathematics, social studies and the arts, and learning content at a high academic level, qualifies our learners for international educational opportunities.
The DIA is recognised in Germany and worldwide and offers unrestricted access to study and training programmes.

The Network of German Schools Abroad

Through frequent exchanges with German schools in southern Africa, regular regional teacher training and the creation of a regional Abitur examination, our Abitur learners have access to lessons and examinations based on the latest pedagogical methods and current affairs.

What is the German International Abitur?

Study and course content

The world-leading, interdisciplinary DIA curriculum provides learners with an excellent academic foundation in languages, sciences (biology, chemistry & physics), mathematics, social sciences (history, geography, social studies, religion/ethics), as well as sports and the arts (fine arts & music).
This unique school programme promotes academic achievement, conveys various methods of learning, teaches our learners critical thinking and helps them develop into independent individuals.

The Abitur examinations:

3 written examinations:
  • 1. German
  • 2. English or mathematics
  • 3. English or mathematics or history or one of the natural sciences
(written subjects from 2 subject blocks)

2 oral examinations from the subjects not chosen for written examinations
(including one presentation examination, i.e. a subject-specific presentation of a topic compiled by the learners)

The marks of the 4 semesters of grades 11-12 are included in the overall Abitur mark and reflect the realistic performance in the respective subject.

International springboard

Our learners in the bilingual DIA programme become multi-cultural and socially responsible global citizens. The learning, networking and reflective thinking skills acquired in DIA are unique in school education.

Cambridge Certificate

Language of instruction: English

Students take a minimum of 4 subject provided a minimum
of a 'C' is achieved in the IGCSE examination
Grade 10 & 11
Grade 12
(AS Level)
German English
English German
Literature in English
Physical Education Physical Education
Subjects (3)
Afrikaans/ French Mathematics
Physics Physics
Chemistry Chemistry
Biology Biology
Accounting Accounting
Business Studies Computer Science
Computer Science Afrikaans
History French


Your contact person(s)
Xenia Pieterse

Xenia Pieterse

Cambridge - Koordinatorin / Coordinator

Tel: +264 (0)61 373 133

Info for Private Candidates

General information for Private Candidates
Cambridge Examination Entry: DHPS assists Private Exam Candidates to enter and write Cambridge Examinations for IGCSE and AS/A Level qualifications.
Academic Consultations: Should you have any academic, qualification, paper combination or general enquiry, Private Exam Candidates can write an email to cambridge@dhps-windhoek.com
Registration and course material:
Private Exam Candidates are not registered as Deutsche Höhere Privatschule students. Private Exam Candidates do not receive course material.
Paper selection:
It is the responsibility of the Private Exam Candidate to research their course and exam paper selections prior to entering for examinations, in order to ensure they achieve their desired result. If academic advice is required, an academic consultation prior to entering for the examinations can be arranged.
All examinations are marked by Cambridge in the UK.
No examination papers are returned by Cambridge.a
Provisional results are released on results day.
Results breakdown:
UNGRADED: Indicates that the candidate's performance fell short of the standard required for a Grade. The qualification in that subject is therefore not achieved.
NO RESULT: Indicates that a result cannot be issued because of absence for the whole or part of the examination in the syllabus or because of a Cambridge decision not to issue a result for some other reason.
PENDING: Indicates that a result cannot be issued at present but will follow in due course.
Cambridge charges a substantial fee for Results Enquiries. A breakdown of these fees and the procedure for Results Enquires can be emailed upon request.

Original Certificates are only received from Cambridge 3 months after the close of an exam session.
Certificates can be collected from the school in Church Street. An email request needs to be sent to cambridge@dhps-windhoek.com and Certificates will be made available 48hrs after receiving the request.
Couriering of certificates is at the cost of the person requesting the courier
Fees and Penalties:
Candidate entry fees, penalty fees and all administrative fees are non-refundable.
Penalties are based on application date.
Penalties will not be waivered regardless of the circumstances.
We are a fully registered Cambridge Examination Centre in our own right and may have different entry and closing dates as well as penalty fees.
Cambridge examination entries are only processed once online payment has been completed.
Special Arrangements / Concessions:
Should you require special exam arrangements (such as additional time or exam equipment and etc.), then you will need to request a quotation from the Private Candidate Team.
An email listing the examinations you wish to write accompanies with a Doctor’s note or Psychologists report requesting the special arrangements will need to be sent to cambridge@dhps-windhoek.com
The request will then be sent to Cambridge for a decision.
In the event you are granted the special arrangement, readers and scribes should be provided at your cost.
Cambridge requires an application be completed prior to each exam session.


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