DHPS Bazaar 2023

On 11 August 2023, Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS) held its bazaar for the first time again after 2019, this time themed "Under Construction: Building the future”. The ongoing renovation works at the DHPS campus did not stop the numerous learners, parents, families, alumni, friends and party crowd from finally celebrating again.

The event featured a variety of rides, fun and game booths for young and old to enjoy - a chain carousel, bull riding, bowling, a raffle, fun game booths like "nose picking", toilet paper target throwing and much more.

Food and drinks were provided throughout the day: The traditional cake stall was definitely one of the highlights again, while learner booths offered steak rolls, potato pancakes and much more. In the evening, the DHPS boarding school served a barbecue and snacks were available in the learner café. Onion tart and oysters with exclusive wines were available at the alumni wine bar, organised by the DHPS Alumni Association.

The bazaar was rounded off by the live band ÖK Beans, followed by DJ Ben, encouraging people to dance the night away.

A special thank you to the organising committee, all parents, teachers, sponsors, learners and guests who once again made this day a very special celebration for the school community and enthused Windhoekers.


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