DHPS team @ Sportsolympiad of German Schools in Southern Africa

Exciting times lie ahead for 48 athletic and talented learners of the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS) and their 6 teachers: From 13 to 20 March, the 19th Sports Olympiad of the German Schools in Southern Africa will take place!

This year, the Deutsche Internationale Schule Kapstadt (DSK) is hosting the event and the DHPS team is well-prepared and ready to show team spirit, achieve athletic success and compete in exciting contests across six disciplines: swimming, athletics, soccer, basketball, handball and volleyball.

The Sports Olympiad is a collaborative event among the German Schools Abroad in Southern Africa, bringing together around 250 athletes. For the participating schools – DHPS Windhoek and the German Schools in Hermannsburg, Johannesburg, Cape Town and Pretoria – this is an opportunity to connect, not only through competition, but also through social interaction.

And that is what it is all about: encounters, fairness, integration and team spirit, as well as promoting young athletic talent. Sport is an essential part of holistic education, playing a key role in the individual, emotional, physical, and social development of our learners, which is highly valued at DHPS.

Today marks the start of the journey for the DHPS team, and the entire school community is keeping their fingers crossed, wishing them unforgettable moments at the Sports Olympiad of the German Schools in Southern Africa.
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