Grade 6´s NaDEET excursion: Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle

As every year, shortly before the October holidays, two classes from the 6th grade go to NaDEET, the Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust.

Here, the learners are meant to learn sustainable and environmentally friendly behaviors. Cooking with a solar cooker, preparing fresh meals with ingredients from their own garden, using water wisely, and sharpening their awareness of the beautiful aspects of nature that are worth preserving are the main focuses. Everyone pitches in and supports the entire group with their actions.

After a day filled with learning, cooking, and spending time together, the evening offered various games and quizzes to provide opportunities to demonstrate their new knowledge.

It would be great if the learners could also implement a noticeably more sustainable lifestyle here in Windhoek and provide their parents with new impulses regarding renewable energies, nature conservation, and waste reduction.

The four R's serve this purpose: Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle.


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