Children are best at this!
A little witch, a dark cave, a simmering magic potion, then the flair of autumn weather and a roaring thunderstorm - imagination is unlimited, when children listen to music. “Children are the very, very best at this", Enrico Palascino, soloist of the Namibian Symphony Orchestra and initiator of the small concert at the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS) also shares this opinion and highlights: “This is why we are here today!”
On Thursday, 3 August 2017, grade 3-6 DHPS learners had the opportunity to listen to the Namibian Symphony Orchestra under the direction of renowned South African conductor Alexander Fokkens. Mr Palascino guided the learners through the musical programme and together with the musicians, who performed compositions by Felix Mendelssohn Barthodly, Stamitz and Williams; he inspired the imagination of the young audience.
For Gabriella Smuts it certainly was a very special morning - which other grade 4 learner can ever say that he/she has conducted the National Orchestra? But with a humorous and entertaining expert like conductor Fokkens at her side, who enthused and captivated the young audience, nothing could go wrong.
A heartfelt thank you to the Namibian Symphony Orchestra for this musical highlight and the wonderful opportunity for our learners!