On your marks, get set, GO! DHPS welcomes grade 1 2022

Deutsche Höhere Privatschule (DHPS) welcomed 83 grade-1 learners and their parents on 26 January 2022 in a festive setting. Not even the pandemic-compliant format of the event in class groups could diminish the joy and excitement.

As is tradition, grade 12 learners and the respective class teachers escorted the first graders directly to their class rooms in the primary section, while parents were welcomed in the auditorium. Ms Conni Hecht, Head of Grades 1-4 at DHPS, had also prepared a school cone for the mothers and fathers: Instead of sweets and presents, it contained stones that were not meant to burden the new chapter in the children's lives, but rather enrich it with joy, trust, confidence, serenity, love and patience.

DHPS Principal, Kristin Eichholz also emphasised this on this very special day for the whole family, saying that she was happy to finally welcome all the learners to the new school year and to DHPS with its academic success and diversity. The school will always be there to support the children and families in this educational partnership.

Diversity was also the theme of the welcoming devotion by Pastor André Graf (DELK Windhoek). Each child is unique, precious and valuable with all its talents and it is precisely this diversity that makes school so exciting.

Of course, the welcome performance of the grade 2s could not be missing. In this year, DHPS teachers have come up with a funny puppet show, because even the class mascots were already missing their first graders. Luckily, Peggy the Pangolin, the DHPS Big-Walk mascot assisted the class mascots and sniffed out the children's tracks.

We wish all first graders a great start at DHPS, warmly welcome all families to the school community and are happy that we are now complete.
Welcome to DHPS!


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