Nilpferdson & Erdmannson: Children's book author Niklas Neuffer visits DHPS
Where do hippos actually come from?
Medical doctor and children’s book author Niklas Neuffer explored this question in his book "Nilpferdson & Erdmannson". Together with primary school learners of the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS), Neuffer embarked on an exciting journey through the past of distant countries during his reading on 31/01 and 01/02/2022.
The main character of his children's book is Nilpferdson, the world's first hippopotamus. It is descended from a Nile and a horse. Niles are ancient animals that no longer exist today. As the first and only hippo, Nilpferdson set out to find new friends. Along the way, he comes across Schildegard, the tortoise, an incredibly nimble hummingbird and, of course, Erdmannson, a small meerkat, who just got too bored in the savannah.
The adventure journey is highlighted by the book's lovingly illustrated pictures of Nilpferdson and his new friends, and captivated DHPS learners in grades 1-4 and their teachers alike.
Neuffer, 29, was actually supposed to be working on his doctoral thesis, but writer's block made him dedicate himself to something completely different. The result is this children's book, which will soon be available in Namibian bookshops (Die Muschel, Swakopmund).
We would like to thank Niklas Neuffer for his visit to DHPS, for his time and for the lovingly organised readings for the primary school.