In 2019, the DHPS Windhoek celebrates its 110 years anniversary!
We cordially invite you to celebrate with us - there is something for everyone!
Friday, 8 March 2019- The Orchestra Week of the German Schools in Southern Africa will take place from 03 - 09 March 2019 in Windhoek. The grand final concert of the Orchestra Week is scheduled for Friday,
08 March 2019 at 18.00 in the DHPS Auditorium. We look forward to enjoy the musical performances
of the young orchestral musicians.
- Before and after the final concert of the Orchestra Week the "Long Night of the German Language" will take place from 16h00 on the DHPS Campus and presents playful, artistic and creative excursions of the German language.
Saturday, 9 March 2019- Open Day! The school opens its doors from 8h00 – 11h00 and interested visitors have the opportunity to gain exciting insights into lessons and our classrooms.
- At 18h00, guests are invited to the final exhibition of the DKR Cultural Festival with a colourful, musical and lyrical supporting programme.